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Gobal Issues Talk


Gobal Issues Talk

On 25th March Professor Christopher Coker, head of the International Relations Department of the LSE, spoke to a group of students and tutors about Global Issues in the 21st Century. He focused on the changing nature of war and the likelihood of future conflicts being brought about through cyberattacks, satellite wars as well as nuclear proliferation. His case studies included the decline of the USA, rise of China & the recent conflict in the Crimea. He also linked the issue of 21st Century climate change to geo-political tensions. He answered a number of student questions about future conflict and globalisation issues referring to past historical events as well as future possibilities. The students and tutors found the talk informative and thought-provoking.

Professor Coker (centre) pictiured with Government and Politics Tutor David O'Dwye
Professor Coker (centre) pictiured with Government and Politics Tutor David O’Dwye