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Biology Olympiad 2023


Biology Olympiad 2023


The British Biology Olympiad is a national competition which stretches and challenges those students with a deep interest in Biology. It is a platform to showcase their talents in this field and allows them to be publicly recognised by the award of medals, certificates and other prizes. There is also the potential for the top prize winners to represent the UK in the International Biology Olympiad.

Our Entry Into The British Biology Olympiad This Year

This year, fourteen Year 12 and Year 13 Biology students were eager to participate in the British Biology Olympiad Competition. They sat two online tests in March and out of the fourteen, seven students received awards. With excellent scores, three students, Mi Er Mani Eain, Mika’il Mohammed and Ravaid Ahmad achieved Bronze awards. Close behind were Alex Zhou Hu and Gonyue Zhou, who achieved a Highly Commended award and Supitcha Chankaew secured a Commended award. All participants received a certificate for their efforts and two Year 13 students, William Dyke and Abdurrahman Bin Imran were within 1% of achieving commendations. Congratulations to all the students who took part.

Bronze Award Winners:

Other Winners: